TITLE The eleventh thought
AUTHOR Diego Zilio
SUCH anthology of short stories
12 , 5 Euro
Eleven are the thoughts, ten stories that make up this book. Ten. It is not any number, as are the ten commandments one common thread, the starting point but not always directly present in each of these stories. The eleventh of that thought is a kind of narrative that is not only realistic, but escapes to wander the narrow logic in a purely mental or psychological insights, and the ethical values \u200b\u200bthey espouse the plot, always alive, and a clear writing style and precise. In a journey that starts from the desert of war-ravaged Congo and passes through the prison of Padua, moves to Paris in the 60s of the Marxist philosopher Althusser and continues in the shabby abstruseness of a magazine for a fee. While Christ returned to earth, it is immediately killed. And without a reason.
I have many difficulties to review collections of short stories, especially when they are not tied to specific themes or genres. The eleventh
thought is an anthology of ten short stories, united by a thread of morality always obvious, but completely unrelated to each other in both plots in the development of stories.
Zilio touches several topics of high-impact, from homosexuality to life in prison, poverty in Africa to the understanding of the excess of its limits, in the stories is highlighted the moral decadence of man in all its manifestations and impact with introspection and a comparison with the self, but trying analyze situations from different points of view are often different from those canons. So the story of a sexual assault is seen through the eyes of the wife of the rapist and the end of a story of love, trust and mutual understanding is compared and lived as a real death, as to be remembered in the obituaries. The
style overall is good, clean and linear, we see that the author is familiar with the written word and knows how to make the most of the images that run in the head, nevertheless there is some trimming to Whether you notice a bit 'of satisfaction and the author indulges in lengthy descriptions of episodes that do not appear too significant for understanding the texts.
I characters are sharp and well defined, is characterized primarily in terms of psychological and emotional and very little physical. The plots
although for the most part not particularly original present ideas are well constructed and woven in a professional manner. The only flaw is that the final a couple of stories seems a bit 'too hasty and the feeling that one gets is a small disappointment of the expectations created.
Best of Ten, from my point of view, Africa and Cristomorto .
A good test for a collection of short stories that certainly deserves to be read.
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