Title: The death of disenchantment
Author: Salvatore Ferraro
Publisher: Arduino Sacco
Genre: Fiction
Pag .
124 Price: 13.90
too simplistic to give quick explanations on why we can not even look like a little idea we have of ourselves or the idea that we would like to project. The most common excuses are: the university, the gym, exams, / boyfriend / or work. The cliché that chase, are: the use of command, the porno-woman, fast machine. These targets are worth our time and our sacrifices?
The death of the disenchantment is a short novel divided into chapters that track the life of Marco, Naples boy on the threshold of thirty. The text opens in exactly one month after the fateful turning point and ends on the birthday of the protagonist. In between, neurosis everyday gestures of ordinary life, expectations, dreams, regrets and abrupt return to reality.
This book is in fact the consequential exposure of thoughts and daily actions, tells the classic way of life of an ordinary man with a vision of impending maturity, an ordinary man like all that is in the grip of responsibility that does not want to take , a maturity that seems to Mark choking first, then gradually discovers that less and less, until it becomes a chimera. Between childhood arcade and console, adolescence chasing the first offense, and a youth marked by a mate for life and a more or less stable, with his hand trodden on the choice of Mark not to succumb to the temptation posed by the bank from his father in favor of trovatogli a job as a freelancer in a study. With an eye always open football, which runs across the board in the entire life of Marco.
If you want a innovative interpretation, detail, found a text that offers scenic and fireworks, this book is not for you. But who is looking for a light-hearted narrative and at times bitter irony, those who feel the pangs of nostalgic childhood developed in 80/90 years, who wants to relive their experiences and their regrets, those who are curious to discover a new author trying to describe, through satire and metaphors, their encounter with the maturity, has certainly bought the right book.
How easy is it to happen by telling a story so heavily self-referenced, in some places it seems that the book was written to give vent to allow the author more than to satisfy the reader. It lets you take a bit 'too carried away indulging in a bit considerations' boring. There are charts and lists rating unoriginal, there's a bit of trivia, however, that the author tries to tell in order to make it interesting. There are some inconsistencies, such as when Mark tells us about his perception of the month of May: the first defines it a pleasant, quiet, small intestine. A few pages later it becomes hot, muggy, suffocating.
Overall, however, weigh the positives over the negatives: a reading is unpretentious but discreet, nice and fast.
The smoothness is enhanced by the brevity of the chapters, interspersed with flash outside the narrative defined Clipboard . Presents are nice and t'immerge in an atmosphere somewhere between the nostalgic and hopeful. One of the strengths of the novel is certainly the shortness of time arc told: although there are ample digressions on the past and future, episodes carriers develop within a single month. A similar text difficult to bear a higher number of pages, would end up bored.
A note on the finish: The book seems a clean break. Not for the final plot twist, but the gap between the penultimate and the final chapter. Perhaps it is intentional, maybe not, but the fact remains that I was a bit 'crowded out.
is not a read for everyone, in the sense that not everyone might like. The ideal reader of Death of disillusionment is perhaps reflected in a mirror image of the protagonist himself: average male, thirty years, a life neither too difficult nor too easy. I think it is easier to identify with such a target and therefore appreciate it. In
Overall a fairly good debut novel, with some flaws but worth reading.
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