Title: Canto African
Author: Federica Gazzani
Publisher: The Cherry
176 Price: Euro 15
Genre: Fiction
Winner of the third edition of the Literary Prize "The Chameleon" to the Turin Book Fair, second place to the eighth edition of the Literature, "The Rush in 2004.
Report on the Competition Author for summer 2009 ".
Canto Africa, with its circular structure - in which the beginning is the end - it is almost a travelogue, from Milan in the middle of Africa, through a desert Sahara overcome by means of luck and with such apparent setbacks destructive, in fact carriers of significant encounters. Federica
notes, sometimes it bends smoothly, sometimes opposes and rebels angrily. But even when the victim of abuse is always conscious of his deep and strong independence of its unassailable freedom of women. There is also an education in violence, almost indifferent and objective of the sandstorm in the desert which is celebrated in its inevitability, stopping the external time to become an inner time of self exploration and investigation of reasons for living or die.
The novel shows that intelligence is adaptability that can not overcome, however, ethical codes that belong to the inner boundary and not just the result of taxation.
We are at the end of the seventies, Federica, twenty-four of the north, he meets Danny, a musician from Cameroon, in a nightclub in Milan. Danny offers her to accompany him to Africa and become a member of his backing band, a ballerina. Federica decides to leave for the continent, with the unconscious and the lightness typical of his age, with no certainty but with so many expectations.
The trip turns out to be more complicated than expected, Danny is an opportunistic liar who does not keep their promises, and the life of Federico starts to get complicated, torn between hunger and love for Sami, Cameroonian guitarist he met while traveling, and the desire to go home.
The novel reads quickly and with pleasure. The style is great: clean, dry, flat, flawless and without frills. Writing Federica proves mature and very commercial, a large vocabulary but not researched and an excellent selection of key terms in the right place at the right time, ensure that the reader never gets bored, and indeed is transported along the slopes and into the chaotic Saharan African cities, becoming an integral part. The dialogues are essential and realistic.
CHARACTERS: Very well delineated
appear almost three dimensional. The author manages to equate actors and extras without doing an injustice to anyone, Federica makes little tedious in the lengthy physical descriptions, but allows us to enter into the psychology of each one of them, as being able to see it to us. A winning choice in a novel that uses much the senses of the reader.
A book I read in a few hours and I really enjoyed it.
Although many of these items that do not find love in a novel (rending stories of love and abandonment in the first place) is a text that runs off quickly and that passion from the first page.
The essence of the novel is summed up perfectly in one of the first steps, when the author says that he repeated in Italy, after seven months of travel, with only a plastic bag with a few personal effects inside without other baggage , at the expense of initial concerns, reading at the end you realize what this choice is spot on.
African Poverty is never told in a passive manner, but personally experienced. Hunger and lack of a place to wash in the end seem routine. Federica
describes a reality where emotions, feelings and daily life are amplified in a sort of Big Brother on the contrary, rather than the constraint of closed spaces and habits forced to live Federica what drives everything is up to the fear of falling into the abyss, and to avoid it clings with all its forces of love, despair, joy in small things.
So a report came a few weeks ago with an Italian tourist, the only grip of her old life, it becomes an almost insurmountable obstacle to his desire to find true love with Sami, who represents the new, the unexpected, the unknown.
is a text full, round, tasty, and sometimes the resignation with which to deal with adversity Federica leaves you puzzled, and sometimes makes you angry, but deep down you can feel much closer to you than image.
only flaw is that the novel ends with the return home of Frederick, and so do not tell how the author has lived his personal pain of Africa would have been nice to know the details of his return to reality, as experienced an encounter with his old life and the characters that populate it, but unfortunately we can not know.
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