Friday, January 21, 2011

Blood Before Periods Due

And The Last Metro

"No, fuck no," I did
just in time to see the lights of the subway, then spread the metallic voice from the speakers confirmed my fears.

gentlemen passengers are cautioned that the service is suspended until tomorrow morning ...

Without waiting for the end of the sentence, I advanced rapidly towards the underpass and shoulder as I hunt in search for the phone, a flashback catapulted me into the pub from which I was just out, I saw Anna bent down to pick up my nokia fell to the ground. Yet I think I put in the bag.

" You should rest a bit ', you have a face so tired ... " she said, placing the phone next to the beer.

He was right. But first I had to go through the underpass and out of there, even if the idea of \u200b\u200btravel that gut stinking of piss I do not bedridden. A rest I would think later.
I walked down the tunnel while the neon lights began to fade, the echo of my steps became ever faster, ever more stifling the stench, the darkness more and more black. I was afraid. Fear of dying.
A night watchman ran past me, knowing that I was not completely alone comforted me, but the optimism faded when the surface sbucai and I realized that the turnstiles were locked. I pushed with all my strength, so that the right hand began to hurt, hurt to hear it no more.
I slumped on the floor and cried all the tears I had left. I realized where I was going I would be better served.
On the yellow line that separated the sidewalk from the track, there was a phone from which came a voice I knew: Anna.
"No, fuck no," I did
just in time to see the lights of the subway, then spread the mechanical voice from the speakers confirmed my fears.

gentlemen passengers are cautioned that the service is suspended until tomorrow morning to allow the police to remove a body from the tracks.

My body was found by a watchman, a few minutes after my suicide. Anna had been to alert after receiving my last phone call. I was buried without his right hand, the train had severed.


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