Not only is the winter of their discontent of Shakespeare's memory, but the winters are ten that pass before the feeling of Sylvester and Camilla is well placed to fuoco.Il film tells Mieli as mentioned by others a history of easy, minimal, even trivial if we want but shuns aesthetics mocciana grandefratelliana or all-encompassing in its coils malefiche.E 'saturnine mood of a film as well as the winter season that are reviewed and distinguished the' each other only for the caption or the appearance of any particular due.Due boys caught on arrival in the adult world (university studies, the first time living alone, a New City, Venice, like sleeping on the beach) and then followed up for ten years of their life choices in their twenties sentimental professionali.Da unaware of the world that exists around them, perhaps armed with sound unconsciousness, in their thirties with their beautiful load of worry and regret for what might have been is not stato.Silvestro and Camilla go up and down from the swing of emotions, the first night's sleep together but know in the morning are like two strangers, they become distant from neighbors, acquaintances to become friends and vice versa, become more than friends of friends, stand between their other romances sinking miserably in front of the electricity of their meetings that take place continuously throughout the decade, unable to understand (or rather admit to themselves) that what they feel for each other / a.Questa sarabande meetings are delayed recalls a lot to near Harry Met Sally, Venice and Moscow to act as background instead of New York, but the constant stuttering sentimental complications deviations and notations in the margins are more typical of some French cinema, Sautet from a Truffaut film and perhaps Rohmer.Il of honey is far from perfect but it is important for how it fits into that vein of romantic comedy that refuses the licks of Baci or unnecessary sociologies of borrowed paratelevisive.I two interpreters are absolutely credible qusto context and the director is good at grasp humoral their waste, their insecurities, their timidity in the face of what is happening loro.Da remember the first meeting between Sylvester and Camilla with their children but also encumbrances of absolute spontaneity and the sequence in which she makes for jogging streets of Venice and he was in an adjacent piazzeta is smoking a cigarette on a half panchina.In alberello.Una a monk carrying a sequence that illustrates very well the case of variable geometry, the distances between the two hands that hand is shorter then riallungarsi nuovo.Una of silent sequence, which lasts a few tens of seconds but in that time minimum film.Un completely explained the meaning of the film made of varying distances, of randomness and errori.Proprio as those who commit in the lives of all giorni.Un film still encouraging for the health of our film and encourage
RATING 7 / 10
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