Before buying this CD I did not know Ahab's if not for some quick play on YouTube stolen, some of their live show on earth even in americana.E online their name circulates more and more is seen with favore.Così May, curious, I ordinarlo.Anche thought because here in the area where I live have a record like that is pure utopia.Dopo have waited for a week I have it in your hands and do not hide my eagerness to open it and the cover is beautiful ascoltarlo.Partiamo . It 's a picture called The Radeau De La Medusa and a painting of Theodore Gericault.In lower right corner is a circular sticker that says NAUTIKAUTO DOOM.L FUNERAL' label to their music created by the same children from Monaco at the beginning of Baviera.Sinceramente are skeptical of this label because basically I think the funeral doom genre fairly conservative and not well adapted to the changes, but this time I'm wrong they're right loro.Quelle three little words make it perfectly the idea of \u200b\u200bfuming sulfuric monolith that is enclosed in this floppies. tracks are 6, the total length is over 67 minutes, more than 10 minutes to brano.E already from this we understand that The Divinity Of Oceans is not a disk to listen well, just to farlo.Per able to understand all the subtleties contained must listen more times, each time something new that will sorprenderà.In this sense is a much deeper after growing up listening ascolto.La matrix is \u200b\u200bthat of funeral Doom, a genre in which they are not so expert but I remember something of Evoken Funeral.Nelle or dynamic parts remind me of the darkest and My Dying Bride tenebrosi.C 'is also a strong death metal matrix that feels in some songs, like the last part of Father O Sea, built on a riff bearing really murderess, Research melodic Redemption Lost (of course always within the extreme) or delicate arpeggios Nickerson's Theme decorating the beginning of the song before to transform itself into something much more delicate and less oscuro.Ma quotations are also made for the excellent title track and the opening track on Yet Another Raft Of The Medusa (Pollard's Weakness) two songs that are complex and cangianti.Gli Ahab try to insert any more melodic in their music making it much more usable, but not the kind of forget dobbaimo partenza.Interessante also noted the limited data that is widely used in the keyboard area funeral to increase the pathos. Their record label, meritorious Napalm Records, Austria, speaks slow version of big guns like Morbid Angel or Carcass.Beh, Carcass I just can not hear them but the juxtaposition of morbid angel Florida does not seem so risky ....
RATING 8 / 10
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