A 'female friendship that survives in spite of all the darts thrown by destino.Una history of brotherhood beyond the historical insight religione.Uno multiethnic city of Tunis in 1942 ripped from the effects of World War II Nazis and the strange triad / Arabic / French who seek to harass ebrei.Una reconnaissance on the status of women in times still so difficili.Una history of ancestral rituals and ancient traditions that continue to affect anachronism in their habits and customs moderni.Tutto this and other films in the Albou , which gives us such a multiplicity of views as to leave a movie nearly interdetti.Dopo conducted on the edge of a feminist militant portraying male characters the negative connotations in the end there are acts of great nobility by Khaled (having had premarital experience with Nour it does not find relatives to the wedding night with the makeup of the cloth stained, reveals true love) and Raul (the husband of Myriam during the film makes a kind of greasy and treacherous metamorphosis from man to man of infinite patience prepared to wait for the love of his Myriam). After a film based on a not so veiled criticism of the Arabs seen as collaborators and profiteers Nour's father indicates the verses of the Quran which is clearly set out an ideal of peace and equality among religious people (as opposed to those that did read Khaled). While the film's "tears" of the friendship between Nour and Myriam are consumed mainly by the first, in the end it is to look for her friend Nour a vita.Ed is probably why the film puzzled: you are inside opposing points of view can not be reconciled with each other and that is why you can not understand what the author's point of view that if you cut out the part, unpleasant, the mother of the brides Myriam.Il song describes a framework history unknown to us, the Nazi abuse including use of non-Jews always concealed hostility towards the Arabs who have a religion other than their own (but do not understand then why are not as hostile to French and German), a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, however, that coexists peacefully (see the meetings in the Turkish baths frequented by Jews and Muslims in the same way) describes in great detail (even too realistic point of honor) the marriage rituals for quantro respect the Jewish religion (but the bride must be "prepared" Oriental) and the Muslim

. Sometimes it is also impressive as they are photographed through the streets of Tunis cumbersome at times inexplicably blocked from care of the ultra-realistic reconstruction (see to believe the sequence of hair removal that you submit heroically Myriam: a long sequence, probably useless to the economy of the story, all in foreground to reveal any anatomical detail and annoyingly vera.a every tear followed the howling of the horrified audience.) Still, the closure seems artificially optimistic and is the least convincing film.Rimane willingness to tell the brotherhood between peoples of religion otherwise, the story of a friendship between two teenagers (or so) at the same time novel formazione.Un film that should arouse emotion and instead stops at the threshold of self-satisfaction. E'sicuramente more important for what I want to tell that as it says .....
RATING: 6.5 / 10