Saturday, March 20, 2010

What Colour Tie With A Grey Shirt


usually mature my thoughts on a film in a relatively breve.Con Tom Ford's film I had rather need a little more time to rearrange idee.Perchè to be honest I was dumbfounded by the sight of this A Single Man, cooled and melodrama directed by stabbing at the same time a brilliant regia.Il stylist here in his first film is dominated by a sense of detachment and the meaning that it takes for the protagonist, a little more than fifty university professor who suddenly discovers that he was her partner solo.Il is tragically perished in a car accident . George is now a single man, has a life to rearrange But not even know what meaning may have to lui.Gli objects of his daily take on a new light, are the cause of questions and pain at the same time because it is unavoidable to revisit in my mind with your past compagno.Il films in fact often lingers in flashback that shows mild strokes with the lives of two lovers. George is living a new day starting from the perfect silence and its solitude, part of the painful exclusion from the funeral of his friend's funeral because "is reserved only to the family" is changed to impromptu knowledge (the English gigolo) and held in a lecture at the University a sort of trance state, until an encounter with a young allievo.In midst of this dinner with the old friend who has always had a soft spot for him on the edge of a wistful regret on her part (regret because he is gay) and a sort of gentle accondiscenza by lui.George continues to process her grief and Ford is good at outlining this sense of alienation and detachment without too many frills, without the affectation that would have burdened the melodramma.Il Tom Ford's film is a melodrama that lingers even tacked on to the masculine beauty of the male body without exceeding or voyeurism in particular from the scandal, a film that unites the two lovers in a sort of amniotic membrane, in the silent phase liquida.E 'a very quiet film, enhanced by beautiful music and an adherence to the character of Colin Firth almost totale.La life of George unravels the minimalism of the daily routine, that mechanical succession acts which set the pace of life.
The camera lingers on these phlegmatic gestures that in this day must be seen under a light diversa.Da any way you look is not easy to judge a movie like this is always hovering between the aestheticism of pain and evil stabbing that can trigger an avalanche so brutale.Accanto to this "violence" is an emotional sense of inevitability that hangs constantly and that gives the whole an air plumbea.Un similar to the gray color of the water they swim in that the two lovers that can be considered the symbol sequence of the film ....

RATING 7.5 / 10

Friday, March 12, 2010

What Is The Life Expectancy With Wegeners


A boat painfully emerges from the smoke of fog water by metallic shades on struggling to bring its two passengers in the sight of an island that is almost seems to be a book of Stevenson's only one small dock and pier for the remainder of cliffs overlooking the sea. island that has already threatened there is only a mental unusually militarizzato.E the two, who are federal agents who enter this property unaware of what they attende.Benvenuti island nightmare. They are looking for a patient very dangerous at times mysteriously scomparsa.Ma appearances ingannano.Shutter Island is the cornerstone of Scorsese reread traditional genres like noir less noble, like the thriller or horror. At the same time the asylum proves fine inlay psychopathological Chinese boxes stuffed with quotations from the film that noble fu.Da Fuller Siodmak in passing mandatory for many Hitchcock films the movie unfolds before our eyes like a carpet made from red glowing scarlet of sangue.Gli nightmares into reality jagged wedge, deformation, the same way as a magnetic tape that goes back and forth wildly in the reproduction of what is recorded.

officially enrolled in the Scorsese film genre but it does not exploits clichet, does not insist on the ambiguity that such a story, it may, we delivered on a silver platter the soluzone the film from the very first time relying on a protagonist in a constant state confusionale.Perchè will also be thinking of a movie made at the box office but at the same time threatening and shows stratificato.Shutter Island is a Gothic nightmare prone all'arzigogolo but that rises above the other spans mucchio.E ' true that at times of high suggestion successive times weaker franc meets with the parties most verbose of the film, those in which author and characters are scrambling to explain all the previous (perhaps even with some loss of tone for a few minutes to put up as the DiCaprio or free climbers as the history of anagrams). But even these moments that show the less noble part of the film for me are always under review in positive the refusal by the director to be inserted, almost chained in genere.L of elements of the 'ending of the film as well as force to review mentally what we saw in the previous two hours and passes it provides the prospect for the final reading of the film: the search for 'expiation of sin through the suffering of castigo.Scorsese after going on the velvet-tested script with bomb-proof this time The Departed own risk moving beyond the bar of his own ambition autoriale.Ne a film that comes out all over' ambition shows the undoubted ability to make films with sequences that are directed almost get the heart pounding (and not to shabby tricks from horror to fourth order) for the skill with which they are turn, like everything the beginning or in the secret tracking of Hall C. At the same time, however, the film proves uneven, almost forced to be made more understandable by the big pubblico.E 'Perhaps this is the biggest flaw of the film in At times it seems more designed to be readily accepted by many other predicaments pubblico.In shows the complexity of the work, there is an air of great cinema.Una small notation: the first sequences with DiCaprio intent to vomit in the bathroom mirror and then to me immediately brought to mind a great film inexplicably passed over in silence of our Peppuccio Tornatore: it was a mere formality, night game between Depardieu and Roman Polanski in the massacre ....

RATING 7 / 10

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chloe's Wears Colored Contacts Days Of Our Lives


I remember that game well that now has 15 anni.Era the first rugby world I saw, were the first games I saw in a time when he was an unknown sport in Italy (formerly the exclusive broadcast in the now defunct pay TV Tele +). It was a beautiful game, many blocks, too scared to even sbagliare.Vidi the walkway that Mandela did with the shirt of Springbocks and it seemed just a tribute, perhaps folklore, the team of his nazione.Ora after all these years thanks to Invictus are able to reinterpret the meaning of all these gestures, the shirt worn by the symbolic value of such high importance who had that world rugby in the history of South Africa, a nation until then confined in a limbo (even sport, the Springboks could not participate in international competitions but could make only luxury-test matches, performances with other national) from the scourge apartheid still open. Invictus is not just a movie sportivo.E 'a film that uses sport to tell a fragment of the history sudafricana.Racconta especially the temerity of a man who understands that the first if there is no reconciliation South Africa will never leave the pit dug by the segregation razziale.E the rugby team (hated by the entire black population) is a symbol around which all come together, whites and blacks to finally give meaning to the rainbow flag that represents the nation sudafricana.Invictus is a portrait of Mandela behind the scenes, impress his vision of the world so detached, his philosophy always geared to go beyond (and in this sense is limited to dialogue Pienaar with the captain of the team invited to take tea at Palazzo), his courage in taking unpopular decisions that potentially then miraculously run at its favore.E 'an ode to an extraordinary man who goes all the admiration of Eastwood.Il which for its part, the narrator of race manages to wipe all the rhetoric of the sports film in favor of his cinema-style classic, large-scale action sequences, camera movements essential, a assembly that is never dominated by the heat of the moment even more excited in the sequences of the consignments of rugby.Eastwood able to tell the story of a man with his clear political vision (at the bottom end is not clear where the political calculus and start rooting for the team even though there is the impression that the passion for the Springboks to grow with the passage of the games) has averted the danger of civil war and it does no sleeves at all, going to take even the smallest particolare.Due are the moments when the emotion overflows: a visit to the prison of Nelson Mandela with the Springbok captain Francois Pienaar who can not comprehend how you manage to live in an environment small enough to be measured with the width of the arms and the first national tour of the slums populated by blacks trying to bring a smile to those places forgotten by God and others uomini.Dopo the initial mutual suspicion that the heart opens to the work of sorriso.Esemplare Freeman and Damon (with some muscles more than usual) giving us two very good work by subtraction interpretazioni.Invictus in my humble opinion is not the masterpiece we are talking about but it's still a good movie made from what we might consider 'Last of the great authors classici.Un film that starts from sports to talk about Storia.Quella with a capital ....

VOTE 7.5