usually mature my thoughts on a film in a relatively breve.Con Tom Ford's film I had rather need a little more time to rearrange idee.Perchè to be honest I was dumbfounded by the sight of this A Single Man, cooled and melodrama directed by stabbing at the same time a brilliant regia.Il stylist here in his first film is dominated by a sense of detachment and the meaning that it takes for the protagonist, a little more than fifty university professor who suddenly discovers that he was her partner solo.Il is tragically perished in a car accident . George is now a single man, has a life to rearrange But not even know what meaning may have to lui.Gli objects of his daily take on a new light, are the cause of questions and pain at the same time because it is unavoidable to revisit in my mind with your past compagno.Il films in fact often lingers in flashback that shows mild strokes with the lives of two lovers. George is living a new day starting from the perfect silence and its solitude, part of the painful exclusion from the funeral of his friend's funeral because "is reserved only to the family" is changed to impromptu knowledge (the English gigolo) and held in a lecture at the University a sort of trance state, until an encounter with a young allievo.In midst of this dinner with the old friend who has always had a soft spot for him on the edge of a wistful regret on her part (regret because he is gay) and a sort of gentle accondiscenza by lui.George continues to process her grief and Ford is good at outlining this sense of alienation and detachment without too many frills, without the affectation that would have burdened the melodramma.Il Tom Ford's film is a melodrama that lingers even tacked on to the masculine beauty of the male body without exceeding or voyeurism in particular from the scandal, a film that unites the two lovers in a sort of amniotic membrane, in the silent phase liquida.E 'a very quiet film, enhanced by beautiful music and an adherence to the character of Colin Firth almost totale.La life of George unravels the minimalism of the daily routine, that mechanical succession acts which set the pace of life.

The camera lingers on these phlegmatic gestures that in this day must be seen under a light diversa.Da any way you look is not easy to judge a movie like this is always hovering between the aestheticism of pain and evil stabbing that can trigger an avalanche so brutale.Accanto to this "violence" is an emotional sense of inevitability that hangs constantly and that gives the whole an air plumbea.Un similar to the gray color of the water they swim in that the two lovers that can be considered the symbol sequence of the film ....
RATING 7.5 / 10